What are Recursive Tasks?

What are Recursive Tasks?

A recursive task can be repeated at regular intervals. For example, if a recursive task A is set to repeat every 60 minutes and is completed at 12:00 AM, it will be ready to be performed again at 1:00 AM.

Ground Rules for Recursive Tasks

  • Rule 1: Any dependencies or triggers linked to a recursive action must also be recursive.
    For example: If a recursive task is set to repeat every 60 minutes, all dependent actions or triggers must also be set to repeat every 60 minutes.
  • Rule 2: All actions that depend on or are triggered by a recursive action must follow the same interval schedule.
    For example: If a recursive task is set to repeat every 60 minutes, all dependent actions must also be set to repeat every 60 minutes.

Current Apps that Support Recursive Tasks

Following are the apps that support recursive tasks:

  1. Twitter Tweet
  2. ERC-20 Reward
  3. ERC-721 Reward
  4. Off-chain Rest API
  5. XP Reward App
  6. Dynamic Reward App